LinkedIn is a network and networking is all about building relationships. Start off on the right foot, by letting people know WHY you’d like to be connected on LinkedIn. On desktop this is now an easy option. When you click the connect button, LinkedIn actually encourages you to write a little note with your LinkedIn Invitation.
Yup, it is not only possible but also easy, to personalise your invite on mobile. LinkedIn is more human than you might think. As long as you know how to push its buttons, it’ll be happy help.
Always explore the three magical dots. On Apple devices they live on a person’s profile top right, sorta shoulder height to the profile picture. You will see three dots lined up horizontally. On Android, you need to look up a little more. The dots are standing up vertically to the right of the search box.
In both cases, Android or Apple, hitting the three dots brings up great options. The menu on Apple offers one more option than the Android menu. Regardless of your device, look at the 3rd option from the bottom: “Personalise Invite”. Choose this and you have 300 characters to write a nice little note instead of sending a default invitation.