How often do you check LinkedIn? Once a week? Daily, multiple times a day? And when you do, how far back do you scroll through the updates on your timeline? I bet not very far. Definitely not all the way back to the last update you saw in order not to miss out. I don’t blame you.
Needle in haystack
LinkedIn is still rapidly growing. And so are most people’s LinkedIn networks. Not only that, also the number of people actively using LinkedIn is growing every day. Resulting in more and more updates coming past on your homepage. It becomes harder to spot the information that really interests you without scrolling for hours on end.
Fortunately there is a real easy fix for that. It is easy, takes less than a second and with a bit of dilligence your homepage becomes more interesting to you every day. How about that?
5 LinkedIn connection types
I don’t know about you, but in my network I have the following ‘types’ of connections:
- People who post really interesting updates
- People who post quotes, puzzles and other entertainment
- People who post stuf that is of no business interest to me
- People who tend to connect to people that are of interest to me
- People who hardly ever post at all
Now regardless of how I feel about those people, I do make a choice how I feel about their updates. The type 1 people are the ones I want to notice as well as the type 4 people.
Type 2 updates are like diabetes type 2 I want to stay as far away from these as possible. Type 3 posts are very valuable and it is great people post them, but I am not the right audience, so they don’t need to clutter my homepage. Type 5 obviously doesn’t bother me.
Quick fix
When I notice a type 2 or 3 update, I’ll move my mouse over the update without clicking, until I see the magic word appear in the top right corner: ‘hide’.
Hiding means you and that person are still connected to each other. You just don’t get to see their updates anymore. By doing so consistently, it becomes real easy to scan your homepage is just 10 minutes a day to see if there is anything you’d like to engage with.