Or Why I Love LinkedIn Again | by Viveka von Rosen
I changed my mind again about LinkedIn’s new user interface. Again. They pissed me off with the removal of LinkedIn Apps, and LinkedIn Events. I was also not thrilled with the relagation of LinkedIn Polls being to a Groups only tool. That being said, I am in love with the ability to add rich media content to your profile, easily, through a simple link. So I am happy with LinkedIn again.
Many folks were upset with the removal of apps – it was all we talked about in the #LinkedInChat last week! However, this new link makes adding video and other content WAAAAAY easier. And other apps like Tripit, JD Supra’s Legal Updates and Box.net take a bit more set up – but are still relatively easy to add. WordPress is still not as easy as I would like – although as Steve Cassady (my fearless co-moderator of #LinkedInChat) points out, you can always use BufferApp.
If you read my book, LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day, you know that I predicted that LinkedIn would have to move in the direction of adding media to their profiles. So the fact that you can now add pictures, video, images, documents, presentations, your blog posts, etc. with a simple click makes me very very happy.
Here’s the video in case you don’t like to read, or just scroll down for the simple steps on how to add media to your profile.
[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7iXFCS9_o4&feature=plcp” autohide=”1″ fs=”1″ rel=”0″]
Steps to Adding Rich Media Content
- First of all, make sure that you are in edit profile mode.
- Scroll down to your Summary section, your Experience section, or your Education section.
- Click on the add media link that looks like the little square box between the pen and the positioning arrow.
- Add your link. (Your video, image, document or presentation must have a URL address)
- Once you’ve added the link, you can edit the title field and description.
- Then all you have to do is hit save. And you’ve got your video your image your presentation smack dab in the middle of your LinkedIn profile.
What a great way to add a sales presentation to your profile, or add a video of you speaking to an audience, or add your resume in your job search.
The opportunities and options go on and on. I am back in love with LinkedIn.