I always ask during a LinkedIn Profile Reboot session: “What is the most fun you ever had at work?” The question serves multiple purposes. First of all, remembering a fun time, puts people in a good mood: that makes it quite nice for me to work with them. Asking this question also really helps speed up the process of revamping your LinkedIn profile.
Struggling to get started telling your story?
Start with the easy bits! Practice on education if you haven’t already. Then think back to a job or project you really enjoyed. What did you enjoy so much? Was it the actual work or the work environment? Start writing about the skills you developed and results you produced. By starting with a job you really enjoyed, this should not be so difficult.
Write towards the professional you are now.
Think about your ideal job/client/project. What is the person that needs to hire you looking for? Have you got what it takes? Identify the skills and knowledge needed. No prove to me you’ve got what it takes. With each entry in the experience section of your profile describe what you did and how this developed your skills.
Getting stuck?
Don’t stop and think: “I’ll do it later,” get unstuck! Go back to my question. What is the most fun you ever had at work. I bet you were doing something you were good at. What was it that you were good at? Are you still good at it? Is it still useful for where you are going? Then take that as your main point to elaborate on.
>>>Post the description on your LinkedIn profile you are really happy with in the comments to inspire other readers (feel free to add link to your profile)<<<
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