500+ LinkedIn connections, how many is that? [reading time: 1 min]

 500+ LinkedIn Connections, how many is that?

500+LinkedIn-connections-petra-fisher-trainer-coach-expertYou may argue its just curiosity, but no real need to know. But then again…  Maybe you consider a person with 700 connections more real than a person with 7000 connections. Or maybe you want to strategically comment on updates from people with substantial networks, to broaden your reach and become top of mind more easily. So how do you find out? In just 3 quick and easy steps!

linkedin-how-many-connections-petra-fisher-training-coach-expertHere’s what to do:

  1. Type the name of the person you’re curious about in the search field on top of the page.
  2. Don’t click the name of the person you are looking for!
  3. Do click the blue magnifying glass.
  4. A list with search results appears.
  5. Click the green 500+ link just below the person you are checking out.
  6. This results in a list of all connections of that person; number of connections show top left.


PS And then Teddy Burriss wrote a great post how to get a rough indication of connections, that also works on 2nd and 3rd degree. I commented, he called me on Skype, recorded part of the Skype call and now I feature in his video! Check it out (start paying attention at 36 seconds).



>>> Tell me… other than curiosity, what will you use this for?<<<