How to block LinkedIn User and what it does and doesn't do...

LinkedIn-Petra_Fisher-Trainer-Coach-Training-TipIs it possible to block LinkedIn user from viewing my profile? For years I used to answer: “nope”, as of last Thursday my answer is: “Yes, but…” (there is always a but isn’t there?). Before I show you how to do it (it is too easy) let me explain what blocking a person on LinkedIn does and doesn’t do…

5 Results of blocking a LinkedIn user:

  • You won’t be able to access each other’s profiles on LinkedIn
  • You won’t be able to message each other on LinkedIn
  • If you’re connected, you won’t be connected anymore
  • Endorsements and recommendations from that user are removed
  • You won’t see each other in your “Who’s Viewed Your Profile”

5 things blocking does not achieve:

  • Blocking doesn’t apply to information you have made public, such as your public profile, content posted in public (open) group discussions.
  • If you’d like to block a manager of a group you belong to, leave the group first, then block LinkedIn user.
  • If you’d like to block a member of a group you manage, remove that member from the group, then block that person.
  • If using LinkedIn on a mobile device, you could see cached data. Login and log out to refresh.
  • Blocking doesn’t currently apply to SlideShare and Pulse.

How to block a LinkedIn user?



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