Make your LinkedIn Homepage Feed relevant to you. [reading time: 2 min]
Do you suffer from FOMO? For those over 30: FOMO means Fear Of Missing Out. FEAR NOT! On your LinkedIn Homepage Feed, you don’t need to see everything. Be happy to (strategically) miss out.


Do you use LinkedIn to find (or be found by) new clients? Is your main goal with LinkedIn to find a new job? Is LinkedIn your to go to place to keep up to date with new developments? Regardless your answer, only SOME posts on LinkedIn are conducive to your goal.


Seriously, stay focused on LinkedIn. If something interests you, great, like it on Facebook. Is it relevant to positioning yourself as knowledgeable in your field, then, by all means, DO like, comment and share. Watch my short video for more information on your LinkedIn One-Track Mind. (Steps to clean up your feed below the video).


Make sure the updates on your homepage are relevant. It is easy to do. The hardest part (for some) is step 1 and 2. The other steps will take less time each day. Before you know it you hardly have to prune and are enjoying relevant updates on your LinkedIn Homepage Feed.


  1. Decide on the area of expertise you want to be known for. I.e. sustainability.
  2. Narrow this down to 2-4 topics. I.e. Solar Power, Green Energy, Energy Management in large buildings.
  3. Define your audience: people with expertise in the areas you listed above. People needing expertise in those areas and people likely have the same target audience as you from a different perspective.
  4. Instead of scrolling straight past, pay attention to each ‘non-relevant’ update. Is it not relevant but the person posting it is? They can stay. Is the topic not relevant AND the person not in your target audience? Stay connected, but UNFOLLOW their updates.
  5. Repeat daily. After a few days, it is not all that much work and your feed becomes more and more relevant.


Please note! In this example, Suzanne shared John’s update. Suzanne is my connection, not John, so it is Suzanne I can unfollow here. By sharing content from John, it appears in my LinkedIn Homepage Feed as an update from Suzanne.

>>> I follow about 1/3 of my connections, how about you?<<<

Petra Fisher

Petra Fisher

Business Coach | LinkedIn Trainer | Your External Brain

Petra Fisher is a global business coach who focuses on organic content marketing and sustainable lead generation for established coaches and purpose-driven entrepreneurs. Petra Fisher contributed to print publications for marketers and expats and was featured on radio, TV and podcasts globally. Client satisfaction is expressed through 160+ LinkedIn recommendations.