The top 3 reasons why LinkedIn Groups don't work!


At the time of writing there are 1,583,987 groups on LinkedIn. You can be a member of 50 LinkedIn Groups. Well and 50 subgroups. Personally I am quite happy that there is a limit to the number of LinkedIn groups you can join. If there was no limit, how many groups would I join? Ten, ten-thousand, a million?

LinkedIn Groups don’t work.

Am I saying don’t bother with LinkedIn Groups? No! I believe LinkedIn Groups are a fantastic; to share knowledge, to engage, to get to know people, to build trust, to establish relationships. When done right. If you don’t do it right, it will cost you time, lots of time with no results in return for your effort.

The number 3 mistake made in LinkedIn Groups

number-three-reason-linkedin-groups-dont-work-petra-fisherNot being relevant. Seems like an open door? You’d be surprised how many people get this wrong. They post their blog in as many groups as possible. Don’t do it! Share it where it is most relevant to the group members. Also, remember groups are about engaging. Sharing the link to your blog is not engaging. No matter how interesting the article is. Always write a short introduction, ask a question, start a discussion. Have you ever been reading the comments in a discussion to find one starting with: “This may be a bit off topic, but reading this discussion made me think off…” Don’t fall in this trap of not being relevant. Stay on topic. Start a new discussion when one thoughts leads to another.

The number 2 mistake made in LinkedIn Groups

number-two-reason-linkedin-groups-dont-work-petra-fisherNot listening. Once you’ve found the perfect group it is easy to start a discussion straight away. Heck, I know my enthusiasm has made me do it. Not a good idea. Once you start a discussion, you want responses, engagement. Start by listening. Just visit the group daily and read. Get a feel for the group culture. Next start liking and commenting. Slowly people start to notice you. Make sure your comments are conducive to a great atmosphere in the group; share useful knowledge. Once people start to know and like you through your comments, they are a lot more likely to read a discussion started by you.

The number 1 mistake made in LinkedIn Groups

number-one-reason-linkedin-groups-dont-work-petra-fisherNot reading up on the group. Yes, that’s right. If you go to a network meeting, you prepare. When joining a LinkedIn Group you need to do the same. Before you even join the group, read the group profile to see if this group is right for you. Once you’ve joined the group, read the rules. How can you make sure you comply with the specific rules of each LinkedIn Group, if you don’t read them? Another part of ‘reading up on the group’ is checking its size. A group of 10 dedicated experts sharing knowledge is good for your professional development. Generally its exposure you are after in LinkedIn groups so go for groups with a large and active member base.

Keep your eye on this blog (or subscribe), next week you can read: How to find the right LinkedIn Group for you out of 1,583,987 (and counting) LinkedIn Groups.

>>> What do you do to make LinkedIn Groups work for you? <<<