LinkedIn and Mixed Tapes, Surprising Insights [2:22 min read]

Linked In & Mixed Tapes: or how to write a LinkedIn profile that gets you found for the right reasons! When I was younger, my brother used to make me mixed tapes. By the time I had 200 of them, I decided to set up an Access database so it was easier to find the right tape.

My first attempt was not the best.

Sure, I had entered information in the database, but not thought about the information I wanted to PULL OUT. Say, all tapes with a song by Nick Cave or Black Flag. Or which tape had the most songs in one genre?

Had I thought of that beforehand, then I would have entered more details from each tape in the database.

LinkedIn is a database as well!

Stop yourself before you start to blindly copy/paste your resume into the required fields.

Sit down and think about what your profile visitors need to get out of reading your profile. In what searches does the information on your profile need to show up?

Then rewrite each and every job on your profile, yup even the one 20 years ago. You want to shift the focus in each description from responsibilities you had to the skills and expertise your clients need to know and believe about you NOW.

Think about how you can add keywords that are important TODAY to descriptions of the past.

As one participant of my guided online course stated: “Petra makes you think, really think, about what you stand for and why you are on LinkedIn”

So here you go, write down what knowledge, skills and experience your next client expects you to have. Now make sure your profile proves that you do!

⬇ ⬇ ⬇ Give us an example in the comments of how you can make an ‘old’ job relevant! ⬇ ⬇ ⬇