Hey there, I love a good chat about your business and using LinkedIn™️ as your main marketing channel, so, by all means, DO message me through the form below. Happy to discuss how we can get your online presence to generate more leads so that you create more Impact & Income without compromising your values.

Who are your training sessions for?
In short, the do-gooders of the world. I left social work and now use my LinkedIn training to help others who make a difference - who contribute to a safe, inclusive, sustainable world - to grow their business so that they can create some serious impact.
What results can I expect?
Ever changed a babies nappy (diaper)? Then you know all about input and output - exponentially so I'd say.
When you do the work (input) the output is a continuous growth in visibility. Engagement on your content, views of your profile and requests to connect but THE RIGHT people and... you'll know how to respond to all of these in a way that creates business opportunities.
Do you offer a payment plan?
This is absolutely something we can talk about. Let me know what is feasible for you and we'll see if we can make it happen.
Are clients pleased with your work?
Yup! At least that is what they tell me. Have a look what they say. Honestly, I've only had 2 clients in 12 years who were disappointed and then we worked together to fix it.
Are clients pleased with your work?
Yup! At least that is what they tell me. Have a look what they say. Honestly, I've only had 2 clients in 12 years that were disappointed and then we worked together to fix it.
Aren't your services grossly overpriced?
Nope. How many new clients do you want to attract in 12 months? How much revenue does that bring you?
How many new clients ARE you attracting at the moment?
Now you do the math.
Also, working with me means a LOT of my brain on your business. Curriculum, Coaching, Community... everything to not just teach you, but to make sure you IMPLEMENT so that you get results.
Are there any (unexpected) side effects?
Yes, people have reported the following side effects:
- More clarity on their own strengths, knowledge and skills.
- Better able to talk about the outcomes of their work in acquisition and networking conversations.
- Mild addiction to active LinkedIn use might occur.
- Expressing oneself authentically becomes second nature.
Are there any (unexpected) side effects?
Yes, people have reported the following side effects:
- More clarity on their own strengths, knowledge and skills.
- Better able to talk about the outcomes of their work in acquisition and networking conversations.
- Mild addiction to active LinkedIn use might occur.
- Expressing oneself authentically becomes second nature.
How about a virtual coffee? AKA can I pick your brain)
Virtual or real I have a strong dislike for coffee. Picking my brain sounds painful.
Over the past 12 years, I've developed training programs that work best for my clients.
Mind you, if you are determined you do not want any of the things I offer and still get my brain on your business, we can do that.
Ask me anything LinkedIn for 45 minutes at €300
E-mail: Petra Fisher
Phone: +31 (0)6 – 2277 0668
LinkedIn: Connect with me on LinkedIn
Skool: Join the fun in this interactive group
KvK/CoC: 53153138
BTW/VAT: NL002135840B03
BIC/SWIFT: TRIONL2U | IBAN: NL34 TRIO 0197 854 885
Invoice/postal address: Aldebaranstraat 13, 1033 GL Amsterdam