Turn your network into raving fans, referring ambassadors and amazing clients.
The most comprehensive & fun business mentoring / coaching program where you use LinkedIn as your main marketing channel so that you turn your network into raving fans, referring ambassadors and amazing clients!
CONNECT, CREATE, CONTRIBUTE is the only step-by-step implementation program that not only teaches you how to create a Legendary LinkedIn Presence - but also how to get noticed, mentioned and remembered so that you 'magically' attract your dream clients!
Before I Tell You All About This Linkedin Game Changing (and pretty Amazing) Program, Let’s Talk about Who This is Actually For…
You are a business owner, entrepreneur or service provider and you just LOVE what you do, how you help clients and want to spend all your time doing just that. Your business allows you to impact lives, make a difference and contribute to the kind of world you want to live in.
Whether you are …
– a purpose-driven, service-based business owner with a steady stream of clients who wants to attract more of the right – DREAM – clients
– an entrepreneur in the early stage of your business journey who is ready to invest and become visible for the AMAZING services you offer
– an employee with a side hustle (or on garden leave) planning to ditch the day-job in the near future…
You’ve come to the right place! Grab a cuppa tea and find out exactly how CONNECT, CREATE, CONTRIBUTE gives you the knowledge, inspiration and UNREAL support on your journey to creating and maintaining your Magnificent Linkedin Presence and undisputed thought leadership.
Love it or hate it, in order to attract clients and grow your business marketing is part of the deal. Now just imagine that you don’t have to grow to love the tactics that you hate. Imagine that instead, you do the things that you love to do the most and that THAT turns out to be the kind of marketing that not only brings you clients, but dream clients!
Fancy that your LinkedIn posts and even your comments on other posts make people sit up straight. Pay attention. Visit your profile and reach out to find out more about your services.
How would you feel when those profile visitors then become your biggest fans, brand ambassadors, people who talk about your expertise, refer clients to you and even become clients themselves!
That is what happens when you use LinkedIn to CONNECT, CREATE & CONTRIBUTE.
You organically grow your business when LinkedIn is ENJOYABLE & PROFITABLE
(So what’s up with the Triple C?)
CONNECT Sure, you need to connect with people on LinkedIn. Build your network and all that. You also need to CONNECT, really connect, resonate with, relate to the people who come across you on LinkedIn. You connect on LinkedIn by infusing every aspect of your LinkedIn Presence (profile, posts, comment, invites) with your expertise, personality and values so that YOUR DREAM CLIENT immediately feels that you are the one!
CREATE Content creation is a large part of becoming visible on LinkedIn. Great content ensures you are not just noticed, but also mentioned and remembered. It’s not just content you create though. You CREATE your personal brand, your LinkedIn presence – your vibe if you wish – through creating your professional narrative on your profile AND by creating content, comments and engaging messages.
CONTRIBUTE This is at the heart of having fun and attracting clients whilst you’re at it! My guess is that you started your own business as you found something you LOVE doing. And by ‘doing it’, serving your clients, you are making a difference. Impact. CONTIBUTE on LinkedIn through sharing your knowledge, adding value, helping out and you will be noticed as that friendly, helpful and knowledgeable person. Before you know it people refer to YOU as the go-to person!

By the end of this program you:
- Are crystal clear about, who you want to reach and which message you want to send about your expertise, personality and values. AKA how to show up so that your dream clients realise they need you!
- Nail that first impression: so that profile visitors keep reading and discover what you’ve got to offer. It’s fun and easier than you think. Your profile needs to convert.
- Have optimised the easily overlooked bits: the hidden gems to make your profile transform visitors into raving fans, referring ambassadors and amazing clients.
- Know how to establish a LinkedIn Presence that builds trust so that people turn to YOU when they are ready for your expertise.
- Are able to make informed choices around your LinkedIn Company Page (and have created one if you haven’t already). Your time is finite, only use it where it matters.
- Consistently grow your LinkedIn network in an easy and organic manner: this is KEY to making LinkedIn work as your network increases your visibility, even when you do nothing!
- Worked out YOUR LinkedIn Strategy (no one-size-fits-all nonsense) to land you DREAM clients.
- Understand that the gold on LinkedIn is in the conversation and how to make that work for you so that you are the talk of LinkedIn Town!
- Easily create content and never ever worry again if people are interested in what you have to say: the easy and fun way to create the right content.
Create an Awesome LinkedIn Presence and transform your LinkedIn network into raving fans, referring ambassadors and amazing clients. AKA you just have fun and clients will FIND YOU so that your business grows and you create impact where it matters!
CURRICULUM: You get access to the (9 modules) CONNECT, CREATE, CONTRIBUTE curriculum & the full library of all the workshops and training sessions I ever recorded.
COMMUNITY: enjoy 12 MONTHS membership with other driven and fun business owners in our private LinkedIn group for Accountability, Support and Inspiration. Cheer each other on, give feedback and share your wins.
COACHING: 1 individual strategy sessions + weekly live coaching & Q&A sessions so that you IMPLEMENT anything you learn in the way that works for your business.
I could see the incredible power of LinkedIn and how it could help with branding, and connecting with the right people but I had no idea how to go about it.
I’m so thankful I came across Petra’s training. My profile views went up, people were posting comments, and I am connecting with relevant people.
Not only is Petra’s content awesome, but she is also down-to-earth and funny. You’ll have a good laugh throughout the program.
Get your LinkedIn Life sorted and have fun while you’re doing it!
Petra really knows her stuff and what she teaches works – it’s that simple.
What you focus on improves and through working with Petra I’ve revamped my profile, developed a plan, and got intentional about using LinkedIn the right way.
Invest in yourself and do something worthwhile for your goals by working with Petra. ✔
I had all these ideas in my head. But after talking them through with Petra, I gained clarity.
I loved being part of the community. The lessons, presentation, video and worksheets were reinforced in the group. Watching others implement also gave me ideas for how I could do the same thing.
I now have a better idea of how to structure and plan content and I’m now more intentional in what I do on LinkedIn.
When my business was a side hustle, I did a happy dance each time a client magically appeared out of thin air.
Except they didn’t! Appear out of thin air that is. I made them come to me by consistently showing up.
Oh and that side hustle?
Side no more, gone is the day job. Once I analysed what I did, my business started to generate enough income to look after the mortgage, cat and teenager (ever told you about her expensive taste?).
The best part about it all?
If I do slack off for a bit, going on holidays, reading two novels in a week instead of working… things easily pick up again as soon as I get active again, because I have a proven strategy to fall back on.
MODULE 01: Clarity then Creativity
The five questions you need to answer before doing anything on LinkedIn. This will guide everything from writing your profile, to creating content and even connection requests.
MODULE 02: Nail The 1st Impression
When your content or comments draw people to your profile, you want those visitors to keep reading and discover what you’ve got to offer. It’s fun and easier than you think.
MODULE 03: The Easily Overlooked
This is one of my most popular modules about the hidden jams to make your profile work. The proof is in the pudding and all that.
MODULE 04: Building Trust
Your profile is pretty much you talking about yourself and how amazing you are. Endorsements and Recommendations add validation and credibility to your story. We'll look at the obvious and less obvious ways to do so.
MODULE 05: Company Page
Whether you use it a lot or the bare minimum, you do need one. Find out why and set it up. Then learn all you need to make an informed choice about actively using it or letting it collect dust.
MODULE 06: Your Amazing Network
Quality, quantity, you need BOTH. This is KEY to making LinkedIn work. You'll look at who you want to connect with and how you keep continuously and organically growing your LinkedIn Network.
MODULE 07: Your LinkedIn Strategy
I’ll talk you through every step you need for your LinkedIn Presence to land you DREAM clients. Start with a blueprint and make it yours so that it fits around your calendar, personality and comfort zone.
MODULE 08: True Relationships
I can’t say it enough, the gold on LinkedIn is in the conversation. Conversations take place publicly in the comments on posts and privately through messages. We'll work out how to use both to get people to notice, mention and remember you.
MODULE 09: Love to Create Content
Never ever worry again if people are interested in what you have to say: the easy and fun way to create the right content. Content that you enjoy creating, love sharing and starts conversations.
Imagine how you’ll feel when you have a fun and doable strategy to ATTRACT just those CLIENTS that YOU love to work with…
Without feeling trapped between how you think you “should behave on LinkedIn” and how you would love to show up?
Without feeling uneasy (even promotional) talking about your expertise, when all you want to do is add value?
Without resorting to meaningless comments such a “great post”, “well done” or “totally agree”?
What if you had a blueprint to follow in your own unique style, showing your expertise and personality, so that you will be noticed, mentioned & remembered by those people YOU love to work with?
A strategy that helps you stay on people’s minds consistently AND that allows you to drop the ball and get back on track easily and guilt-free?
THAT is precisely what I have in mind for you!
This is undoubtedly for you when you…
- are ready to do the ‘other’ work to make your business grow: marketing!
- are clear on the service(s) you offer and who your ideal client is, but feel a tad (or tremendously) daunted by being active on LinkedIn.
- get excited talking about your work in a 1-on-1 situation, but feel apprehensive about doing so though posting online.
- realise it takes 20-30 minutes a couple of times a week and are happy to make this an integral part of your working week.
- want a blueprint as a starting point to create a routine that works for YOUR personality, available time and business.
- are able and willing to invest the time, money and headspace to grow your business so that you can create more impact where it matters.
Any of these make you feel I am reading your mind? Then it is time for you to Connect, Create & Contribute!
This is not the right thing if you…
- love cold calling, prospecting and all that other scary shit I know little about.
- are still in the process of setting up your business and have no clearly defined services.
- expect results without putting in the effort. What you are about to learn works, as long as you work.
- haven’t worked with any paying clients just yet.
- feel uncomfortable when I say things like “scary shit” and “oh crap”.
- want to learn all about using LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
- want to learn about paid advertising (AJ Wilcox is your person for that)
- are still upset that those bastards stole the election.
Use LinkedIn to make a positive impact and magically ATTRACT CLIENTS whilst you’re at it. (introvert proof)
I know you think it is all easy for me. I understand. Truth is, I was just faffing about for years. Now that I have it figured out YOU only need to take 3 months to get to where I was after 4 years.
What if you did this, and you started getting invitations from people who love your post?
Or a connection tags you when someone posts related to your expertise?
Would you enjoy that?
A connection who liked my style introduced me to a local government department. Next, a team that works closely together with them hired me. Then the director of the department wanted me to train the other 80 people in his department. Then his wife hired me to train the employees at her work.
Just showing my authentic self on LinkedIn provided 6 months of steady income without doing any acquisition.
Or that time I got an email from Ghana (I am in Amsterdam). A company whose business model totally aligns with my values wanted to hire me. How did they find me? They asked a friend if they happened to know a LinkedIn trainer who is fun!

Never feel daunted by LinkedIn again. Grab a cup of tea and start to Connect, Create & Contribute so that you attract clients the fun way.
I know the program works but I won’t take your money unless I’m convinced it is right for YOU. So let’s hop on a free game plan call to identify where you want to go, what you need to do to get there, identify the gaps and discuss if working together is the answer.
TL;DR; Show up on LinkedIn – as you are – talk about what you love talking about most, have fun AND attract dream clients whilst you’re at it. Proven system, adapted to YOUR style.
You mention 3 months, 12 months, I'm confused...
Yeah, sorry about that. Most people start to get results in about 3 months. Using LinkedIn marketing to get inquiries and fill your pipeline is an ongoing part of your business and creating sustainable habits takes time, falling off the wagon, getting back up…
So you have 12 months of access to the weekly coaching and the community in the private group.
You might also find that 6 months from now, your focus is shifting, you want to redefine the services you offer, attract a different target audience…
No problem, as you’ve still got my brain and the community to help you figure it out and give you the support and accountability to implement!
Is it possible to do this 1-on-1?
Sure. You still get everything that is in the 12-month program AND for the first 3 months (12 weeks) you and I meet 1-on-1 to do all the thinking, writing, creating and implementing together.
After that, you still have the community and the weekly coaching sessions for 9 months to keep on track.
I'm not much of a writer, will this work for me?
Yesss! We’ll identify what type of content works for you and how to create or curate this. This is to make sure ANYONE can do this.
I only have a small network, is that a problem?
As long as your network is RELEVANT, size doesn’t matter that much. We’ll spend time on growing your network with the right people though.
What if the times for the live meetings don't work?
Not a problem. All sessions are recorded and you can get all the support, accountability and cheering on you need in our Private LinkedIn Group.
Will I get individual support from Petra Fisher?
You get more individual support from me than you can imagine. Every Thursday you can ask me anything you’re struggling with. I help you get unstuck, suggest edits for your posts, show you how to do things, you ask I help. And then there is also the community in the private LinkedIn group where I answer any questions asked at least 3x a week. don’t understand the combines knowledge of the community either. Remember: alone you may go faster, but together you’ll go further!
How much time do I need to set aside?
Each module consists of multiple lessons. You should be able to watch all videos of one module in an hour or less. Allow a few hours a week for implementation. To make LinkedIn part of your business after the program I’d aim for 3x 30 minutes a week plus time to create some content.
Do you offer a payment plan?
Yes this is definitely something we can talk about to make it work for you. Mind you, when you know a big lottery win is due any time… let’s wait for that and then start work together. When you know you can invest x on a monthly basis a payment plan works well.
I hear you only drink tea, what if I want to sip my coffee?
Although I despise coffee with a passion 😉 I strongly believe in respecting people’s personal preferences.
As a communication & presentation skills specialist, I like training to be well-structured, -communicated and -delivered. Petra’s course was excellent on all counts.
I liked the blended approach of a one-to-one strategy session with Petra in week one, followed by small group sessions for the remaining weeks.
Petra shared her expertise with us in short training sessions, but for me, the real value was in the review of each person’s LinkedIn activity.
Petra demonstrated how we could show our expertise by commenting strategically on posts. The suggestions were clearly explained and delivered in Petra’s unique humorous style 😊
The "Get Noticed on LinkedIn" program helped me get more focused about how I spend my time on LinkedIn. I am now more strategic in my approach and am confident that if I continue to implement the tips from the programme, I will continue to get even better traction on LinkedIn.
I wanted to use my time on LinkedIn efficiently and not feel like a dabbler. I signed up for Petra’s Get Noticed on LinkedIn class and learned so much!
Petra taught me how to improve my commenting, what kind of people to follow, about hashtags and so much more.
She included documents that I will refer to again and again.
I now have a LinkedIn strategy and am excited to use LinkedIn to increase my copyediting and critique business. Thanks, Petra!
I had all these ideas in my head. But after talking them through with Petra, I gained clarity. Hearing her repeat back to me what she had understood and then seeing and reading her strategy notes in many colors brought it all together for me.
I loved being part of the Slack community. The lessons from the weekly session, presentation, video and worksheets were reinforced in the group. Watching others implement also gave me ideas for how I could do the same thing.
I now see the bigger picture and the supporting pillars for my focus area. I now have a better idea of how to structure and plan content along with theme areas. And I'm now more intentional in what I do on LinkedIn.
I joined Petra’s LinkedIn Training Program to create new habits around Linkedin so that I would be noticed more.
It is very important to me that I add value through my contributions and am true to myself. I selected this course as “adding value / being authentic” is the focus of the training.
Petra makes it clear what to do, both with comments and also with content. Whilst I knew most of what was being shared, I joined the programme to refine my knowledge and embed new habits.
It was lovely to be part of a team, having engaging discussions each week. There is a community slack channel for sharing / asking questions, and Petra is available offline as well.
So far the outcomes have been positive and more people than previously have reached out to me to connect as a result of my commenting. I have also started a series of posts, with my own hashtag.
I’ve always enjoyed LinkedIn and been pretty active – posting regular articles and engaging with others. But – my activity was always haphazard. No structure – precious little strategy (a bit like my life generally). Most of my business comes through networking, which, though fun, and relatively low cost, is time-consuming.
So – why not make more of LinkedIn? Why not seek help in developing a structured, strategic approach, that optimises the opportunities afforded by the platform that keeps on giving?
I stumbled across Petra several months ago. Her sassy non-nonsense approach immediately made me sit up and take notice. Her program “Get Noticed, Mentioned & Remembered” really appealed.
Within a few short weeks, Petra opened my eyes to the benefits of a structured strategy and introduced me to a delightful group of fellow students from across the globe, who themselves have taught me plenty about their own unique skills.
To summarise – thanks to Petra’s program, I’ve achieved far more than I’d anticipated –
– I’ve gained an in-depth understanding of the importance of a strategic approach to LinkedIn
– I’ve learned how to manage Content, Engagement, Hashtags and Connections
– I’ve had fun, learned from and made friends with the other members of the group
To anyone keen to maximise the huge benefits of LinkedIn, Petra’s program is the answer. 10 out of 10 for content and value.
Thank you Petra!
PS: What a shame we didn’t cover ‘How to compose clear, concise and compelling LinkedIn recommendations’ 😉
Petra's classes are full of actionable tips, strategies, and feedback delivered in a way that feels like both a kick in the pants and an affectionate hug.
Equally important, the sessions are engaging and fun, which enhances the learning process.
And, she knows the BEST people. Every person I have met in Petra's class or tea is absolutely delightful, smart, and generous.
Petra encourages and facilitates collaboration so that you don't just learn from her, you also learn from each other. I miss our Friday mornings!
As a Global Marketing Executive, I am used to building marketing organizations that drive growth. Yet to consistently build my personal brand, I was missing some discipline and methodology to start producing and sharing relevant content on a daily.
It was great to work with Petra to refine my personal brand, develop it with relevant posts/updates/articles... and stick to it!
The way the "Get Noticed on LinkedIn" progam builds up worked really well. Start simple by engaging in conversations EVERY DAY till you find your tone of voice and area of expertise, then start producing posts/updates/articles.
By doing it every day and reporting progress the following week I kept on track and kept finetuning my actions.
This resulted in me (1) being found in many more searches, and (2) receiving invites from peers (i.e. useful contacts) on a daily basis.
Being in lockdown during the novel coronavirus made me take the leap into starting my own business and LinkedIn was my primary source of advertising. I was spending a lot of time on the platform and not getting any results.
In the “Get Noticed, Mentioned & Remembered” program I learned so many things (how best to comment, how to create meaningful posts, the benefits of hashtags) that I am now implementing to strengthen my brand and increase my client base.
Linked In is no longer taking up so much of my time and I’ve gotten much better at improving my brand, finding the right people, engaging with insight and building relationships.
Petra made this learning fun and provided me with excellent feedback as I progressed through each section of the program. I would highly recommend “Get Noticed, Mentioned & Remembered” to anyone who wants to improve their LinkedIn results.
I wanted (want) to convert LinkedIn commenters and connections to clients, or at least real prospects who want to hear about how I may be able to help them with my leadership and management development coaching.
Working with Petra I got clarification of the various ways that I can become more visible and attractive to my potential audience.
I am now getting a more consistent and higher number of profile views, and I am more consistently following up with a "thanks for stopping by. . ." response.
This has led to several hopeful linkups that I am nurturing.
I recently took part in Petra’s Stop Wasting Time on LinkedIn course. The individual strategy session that kicked off the 5-week programme gave me the focus to clearly define ‘what do I want to say?’ and ‘who do I want to hear it?’
I didn’t need help to write my profile or change my banner… I needed a kick up the butt to actually post stuff and that is exactly what I got.
And then Petra gave me the extra ‘and when am I going to do it?’ I can always make excuses that I’m too busy, so what I needed was some structure and encouragement to make a start, get over the ‘fear’ of posting my own words (I spend far too much time changing other people’s words!) and get more visible.
I had never used Slack before but once I got used to it I really liked it. I found it was helpful to have a private group for the session I was in because these are the people you feel like you know. But I also liked having a connection with people in the other sessions… especially when there is a mixture of chatty and quiet people.
I certainly got the encouragement I needed and now have a clearer focus on how to continue to be visible, professional and approachable. And I discovered that it’s not so scary to click the post button!
I took Petra’s course Get Noticed on Linkedin and I loved the way she reviewed all our Linkedin activity one by one and gave us recommendations on the spot to improve it.
Petra asked us: what could you have done differently to add value and show your expertise?
I have enjoyed her professionalism in everything that she does, from the weekly Zoom sessions to the use of Slack and Voxer for supporting us during the week.
In terms of results, I have gotten great value from the initial individual Strategy Session, which allowed me to refine my strategy.
Then, she taught me how to do Networking on Linkedin strategically but also always being generous and sharing value in all that I write: comments, posts and articles.
As a result, I have increased my pipeline of potential customers for my services connecting with people that are totally on my “sweet spot” for what I want to deliver, that is helping organizations to create sustainability leadership.
I have also been noticed by people in the field that I want to work in, and these people have commented my posts, accepted my requests to connect and sometimes reached out to me to connect. What a great result in only 6 weeks!
Wow, what a great course! In 6 weeks I went from not really getting the point of the platform to understanding the power of being active on Linkedin.
The 180-degree shift is quite amazing, in just 30 mins a day I now have connections that align with me, and what I am doing now.
Petra is such a wonderful teacher, her way of teaching is direct, humourous, and truthful. She spares no punches… but have no fear they are delivered gently with a feather glove
The course starts with a private session which is all about getting clear with yourself, your mission and direction of focus.
Working with the group through the following 5 weeks is a great support, adding different perspectives, a well of inspiration and extra accountability.
I highly recommend this course it’s a worthwhile investment to make in yourself, and you see results immediately.
I recently participated in Petra’s Stop Wasting Time on LinkedIn course and loved it. The course started with an individual strategy session with Petra in which she really got to the nitty-gritty of what it was I wanted to get out of LinkedIn – so no generic ‘what do you do on LinkedIn' type questions, but really in-depth questions about who I follow, why and to what end. And there was no getting away with vague answers such as ‘oh, I want to expand my network’, Petra pushed me to really think about the why and what for.
The remaining sessions were in a small group but still with individual feedback every week – amazing how well Petra was able to refer back to each participant’s individual needs. It kept us all focused and on our toes! With Petra’s guidance, my activity on LinkedIn has changed dramatically: fewer ‘likes’ and more comments that say something about me and the service I offer. My LinkedIn stats show that this is really making a difference to my visibility and engagement levels.
I was particularly pleased with how well Petra kept the course and us participants in line – not an easy thing when we’re all online. The lessons always started and finished on time, no-one was allowed to dominate the discussion and she didn’t allow the conversation to drift off on a tangent.
If you really want to get serious on LinkedIn, I would highly recommend Petra; whichever of her courses you choose to follow will be money well spent!
The individual strategy session helped me get clear on my ideal client. As a coach, it was interesting to be on the other side of the table, love how your good use of questions helped me get to the bottom of how to present my expertise, values and beliefs on LinkedIn.
I joined the “Get Noticed on LinkedIn” group program as I was feeling blocked to post. The small group provided a safe space to get out of my comfort zone. I love it now! It feels like giving freedom to my vision…
The structured approach and encouragement by you and the group to just do it really worked (and the fact that you kept haunting me ? ).
I appreciate your honest and direct feedback throughout the weeks, which gave me the confidence to continue. I now get likes and comments, mostly from women – My target audience!
After years of not getting the most out of LinkedIn, it was time to work with someone who could teach me to ‘Get Noticed, Mentioned and Remembered on LinkedIn’. Who better than Petra who’s expertise and sense of humour I had come to appreciate through following her for almost a year?
I was not disappointed. Petra delivered everything and more. She didn’t only help me get noticed, mentioned and remembered, she also handed me an approach that makes networking on this platform easy and enjoyable instead of a task to be dreaded.
When you want to learn how to get the most out of LinkedIn, I highly recommend this “cranky old fuddy-duddy” who really does know “shitloads about LinkedIn”!
This Get Noticed Program LinkedIn training is gold. Petra’s course really outlines the importance of creating a strategy and maintaining it.
Of course, there’s the big plan but there are also small steps to implement that allow you to stand out, small things which when you learn about them, seem so simple and sometimes even obvious and yet weren’t being done.
Much of the theory can be applied to other platforms, notably Facebook groups.
I became aware of all the missed opportunities around me. Petra teaches in a fun way and our Slack channel was lively and supportive.
Below some quotes from other people who worked with me.
“Working with Petra, I went from cold calling from my kitchen table to being contracted by clients through LinkedIn.”
Within a year of working with Petra, I went from cold calling from my kitchen table to being found and contracted by clients through LinkedIn. I now work from a co-working office and have been able to scale my business.
If you haven’t optimised your profile, or haven’t really looked at it for ages, or are unsure how well it works you MUST speak to Petra!