LinkedIn MicroPosts turbo charge your thought leadership
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT LINKEDIN MICROPOSTS? (yeah, I coined that phrase) Micro-posts are posts brought back the essence of the message and one message only. Generally, they are 1 sentence + 1 hashtag Sure, they go against A LOT of things that are supposed to trigger...

Make your time on LinkedIn Enjoyable & Profitable
“I enjoy Facebook, but don’t know how to use LinkedIn, it is all so serious.” I hear this a lot and it makes me sigh. Sure, LinkedIn is a business platform. If you don't bore yourself to death when running your business, there is no need to act boring on LinkedIn....

5 NEW(ish) features on your LinkedIn Profile explained: ① Cover Story, ② Name Pronunciation, ③ Pronouns, ④ Creator Mode and ⑤ Featured. Find out what they are, when to get creative & when not to and how some of these features influence each other. As always there...

How one comment killed my first business
My first business was going quite well. I was 7 years old and made a dozen or so sales, totalling ƒ1,67 (yes, this was well before the € days). Sweets cost 5 or 10 cents, so even splitting this profit with my business partner would allow us to indulge. Then HE killed...

Another major stuff-up and how I fixed it!
TL;DR; (too long; didn't read;) key points of this video. Pay attention to holidays, especially when your audience in global. Fix any stuff up, as long as it doesn't damage your credibility. Only have ONE call to action, don't confuse your audience. I (Petra) AM quite...

One quick LinkedIn lead generation action, two new high-ticket clients
TL;DR; key points in this lead generation video When you are visible for your expertise people start mentioning you to others. Make connecting on LinkedIn personal. Share some of your expertise in a valuable manner with your connections. Impress people (in a positive...

Business Lessons from my Epic Fail Launch
TL;DR; The 5 main business lessons I learned from the epic fail launch last week: Free workshops have a low show-up rate, promote in time to get at least 100 sign-ups. Less is more. If you want to sell, you need to leave people wanting more. Fail fast, a start-up...

5 Reasons to comment on LinkedIn instead of liking.
Find out 5 reasons why a comment on LinkedIn gives you more results than a like. Now I realise most of us LinkedIn know-it-all bang on about this all the time. I'll go one further. After giving you the 5 reasons, I will also ???? ??? ??????? ???? ???????? ????????...

Consistency on LinkedIn (it’s ok to slack off).
My first attempt at tackling LinkedIn with a plan was my “plan” to post each day. I heard you needed consistency on LinkedIn. Consistency is key and all that. Fast forward 9 years and you know what? Sure when I do post consistently on LinkedIn, I am more on people’s...

Posting on LinkedIn: Throwing content in a black hole?
“When I post things that I believe are worthwhile for my target audience nothing happens. Feels like throwing things into a black hole.” This is one of the responses to my survey asking people how they feel about LinkedIn. Feels like throwing things into a black hole...